Fiona: The Famous Hippo

Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
Fiona the hippo as a baby.
If the state of the nation is getting you down, and school is hanging over your head, you might appreciate the viral sensation, Fiona the hippo. Fiona has swept the nation; Youtube videos featuring her have a combined 3.2 million views and counting. You might wonder why Fiona the hippo has become so famous. The answer lies in her story.

Fiona was born six weeks early, and weighed only twenty nine pounds at her birth. To be considered viable at birth, a hippo should weigh between fifty five and one hundred and twenty pounds. Like any premature baby, Fiona faced serious challenges and needed intense, around the clock care. Fiona grew stronger, eventually quelling the fears of her death, and coming to understand what it means to be a hippo after being raised by humans.

Fiona screaming while lady laughs at her.
Fiona represents bravery and perseverance, and America has latched on hard. From her birth, Fiona has been plastered all over social media, and has captured audiences with her story of resilience and triumph, as she grew from a wobbly young baby to a happy, healthy, and strong swimming hippo.
The press has shown just as much love for Fiona as the public has. The New York Times published a lengthy article about her, saying she has become “America’s Large Adult Daughter, its triumphant baby queen, its reigning diva with the skin texture of a wet avocado.” (Rachel Syme, The New York Times). She has affectionately been referred to as a “sassy queen” by Buzzfeed, and merchandise has popped up everywhere, some even going so far as to call for Fiona to run for president in 2020, despite the obvious problems with this plan.

Fiona being a sassy queen.
Overall, Fiona is loved by everyone, and her existence provides a nice break from news that can often be grating. Fiona’s virality proves the world’s love of a good success story, and cute baby animals. Fiona, we wish you and your wet avocado skin the best.