Atheistic Satanism: What is it and why do I practice it?
When I say that I’m a Satanist, the images often called to mind are of cloaks and daggers, of spells and sacrifices. In reality, atheistic Satanism, the form I practice, is nothing like that.
Atheistic Satanism is a religion that involves no worship. We don’t believe in the actual being Lucifer, but in the ideals He represents. He challenged an authority figure and for it, he was banished. Our religion is one of questioning the status quo.
Satanism has been practiced for centuries but became an organized religion in the 1960s. It grew to the point that Christian fundamentalists became concerned in the 1980s. This began the Satanic Panic, a movement where people were convinced by pseudo-psychology that Satanists were ritually abusing and murdering children. All of these claims were unfounded and ultimately the entire thing was an urban legend, but it left its marks.
Misconceptions still persist today about my religion. We don’t sacrifice animals or abuse children–in fact, our religion prohibits both in the Seven Satanic Tenets, which state that “One should strive to act with compassion and empathy tow
ard all creatures in accordance with reason.” We don’t sexually assault anyone, especially children–our third Tenet is “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” We have programs that are meant to prevent child abuse across the nation. We may have some rituals, but none of them involve drinking human blood or pledging allegiance to the Dark Lord or anything of a similarly sinister nature.
I’m part of the Satanic Temple. Our goals are to spread compassion, justice, and knowledge. We fight against religion encroaching on government institutions, especially schools, stand up against hate groups, push for autonomy in reproductive rights, and advocate for similar causes across the world. We reject the idea of America as a Christian nation and attempt to make religious freedom a reality for all its citizens.
Atheistic Satanism is a religion of questioning authority, standing up for the truth, and fighting for justice. We’re not boogeymen in the night who will come to take away America’s children; in fact, we hope to save them.
Valenca • Apr 10, 2023 at 7:54 am
I am an Atheistic Satanist, I love how this article shows how we are and what the truth is about us, makes me happy
Eric Baudelaire • Jan 6, 2023 at 8:50 am
I am an aethistic Satanist as well, and I must say that reading this article has helped me with my research on finding my beileifs, It was incredibly helpful. I get tired when peopel ask me so many different questions, thinking that I’m “Evil” or that I “Worship Satan”, so reading this article really helped me with being able to explain it to people that we do no such thing.
YoDaddy • Dec 19, 2022 at 5:47 pm
Im Ex Christian now atheist since late july 2022 and might like to join this long as i dont haveta pay
WanderingarounfWonder • Nov 11, 2022 at 5:04 pm
How can you be atheist and satanic at same time? All the explanations feet an atheist ideology…. What about satanic? If there’s no veneration to an identity why satanic? But then you’re a religion… With moral rules to follow… Isn’t Satan connected directly to Christianity? Believing in one makes you automatically acknowledging the other, no? So atheism work no more here…
I mean you can be Jewish and live a laic state…
Not judging I think everyone should believe and follow whatever they want to… But I do not find a coherence here
S • Jul 7, 2023 at 8:37 am
Atheistic Satanism is not believing in the deity Satan, but in what the name represents. Satan means so much as “accuser” or “adversary”, and is derived from a verb meaning primarily “to obstruct, oppose”. This means one rejects/questions the idea of following authority and opposes beliefs/rules/laws etc. that are forced upon one.
There are of course different types/variations of Satanism, for example Theistic Satanism believe in the devil himself, like one would believe in god, meanwhile Atheistic Satanism does not believe in the supernatural but only in what the name (Satan) itself represents.
– I am by no means a professional, this is just what i have understood about Atheistic Satanism so far. I do hope though that i was able to clear up some confusion?
Rene • Dec 27, 2021 at 12:03 pm
What’s needed to join?
¿¿¿Axel??? • Aug 13, 2021 at 8:03 am
Yes, I’m an atheistic satanist, and I’m scared to open up abt it because the image of satanic death rituals and bathing in virgin blood might come across to people, lmfao. Thanks for educating people on this!!! -Axel
Stephen • Apr 4, 2021 at 4:47 pm
Thank you for sharing this and making it known too other people that it’s not a scary movie.
Asha Viswanathan • Dec 14, 2020 at 3:51 pm
omg how do I join? this sounds amazing,,, do you have any texts you read and are there meetings??