Shorecrest Food Drive 2016
SC students collect food for the community
January 30, 2017
The Shoreline PTA Council hosts an annual Food and Teen Gift Drive for families in the Shoreline School District seeking assistance during the holiday season, this past drive took place December 6th through December 16th. The drive supports families in need by providing quality food over the winter break; this is achieved through food collections and participation from numerous schools of the district. To ensure that goals are met, each school is assigned a key item; Shorecrest’s key item for this drive being peanut butter.
Starting this past drive, the Shoreline PTA council now partners with the Shoreline Fire Department, Hopelink, the Rotary Club of Lake Forest Park, the City of Shoreline, and Dale Turner Family YMCA, “Making it a true community event,” Family Services Director Jenny Farnam noted.
“The event was well organized and ran very smoothly. We met our goal of providing every family who came through the door with food support for winter break and helped with gifts for kids through the age of 18. We met our goals of having enough inventory and volunteers to serve everyone, in fact, we had leftover food and gifts at the end of the evening which were sent to hopelink for those unable to attend this event,” explained the Holiday Baskets Co-Chairs Kristen Leffler, Heather Corbin, Neha Raichur, Robyn Mah, Lori Ramsay, and Krista Keller. The Co-Chairs also mentioned, “Around 664 families were registered for the food and teen gift drive.” The Food and Teen Gift Drive went beyond expectation.
There is a lot of work put into the food drive. Many students and community members volunteered their time and effort to the cause; some tasks included planning, organizing and transporting the food from each school. A group from advanced leadership at Shorecrest also organized the food collections and ensured that the goals were met for Shorecrest’s participation.
According to Activities Coordinator Ms. Phillips, the Shorecrest ASB and Shorecrest PTSA hosted their first annual Holiday Benefit Dinner (catered by the Shorecrest Culinary Arts Program) on November 16, 2016. The dinner took place in the commons of Shorecrest High School and all proceeds collected were put towards the Food and Teen Gift Drive.