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The Student News Site of Shorecrest High School

Highland Piper

The Student News Site of Shorecrest High School

Highland Piper

The Student News Site of Shorecrest High School

Highland Piper

Piper Prompts

Piper Prompts is our biannual writing contest. The prompt for this semester’s contest is “If I’m Being Honest” Please stick to a maximum limit of 750 words. Submissions are open through April 18th until 11:59 PM PST. Submit your work at this link.

Feel free to interpret the prompt in whichever way you choose. We are accepting all forms of writing (ex. poetry, a short story, journalism/non-fiction, prose, etc.). Your work will be judged on:

– Creativity (if it’s similar to an already written piece or based on a common trope, etc.)
– Technical skill (such as how different literary devices are used to enhance the writing)
– Interpretation/relevance of the prompt

Some Guidelines:
– 750 word limit
– Any form of writing (journalistic, poem, script, etc) is allowed
– Club members can only submit to the contest if they don’t participate in voting
– The pieces will be voted on with the author staying anonymous, however, the author’s notes (if there are any) will be visible
– The Piper staff can decide to omit a piece from the voting pool if a majority believe that it will be problematic
– It can be any piece, new or previously written, as long as it hasn’t been published in the past. It just needs to relate to the prompt
– No unnecessary profanity or discrimination based on identity that does not add to the piece

Your writing will be first evaluated anonymously by Highland Piper Staff. The top 3 finalists will have their anonymous work sent out to the whole school in a Google Form so they can select a winner!

Voting Process:
Round 1 – The Highland Piper staff will vote and choose top 3 pieces
Round 2 – Voting opens to the whole school via an online poll
– Will be advertised on morning announcements/SCNN
– Link to vote will be on our website and on Highlander Home Slides

Winner will be announced via the print release in May!

First-place prizes include publication on The Highland Piper Website, a printed certificate of achievement, and a $25 gift card of your choice. Feel free to contact The Highland Piper at [email protected] or DM @sc.highland.piper on Instagram with any questions/technical difficulties. Good luck and happy writing!