Magicka 2

The brutal Wizard Wars killed almost all the wizards in the land of Midgård, except for one to four that survived somehow and came back later to the ruins of castle Aldrheim, the old wizard school. You and zero to three other wizards have to save the world, while possibly destroying it along the way, using their versatile spell system.

While it only takes a second to revive a teammate, it’s hard to find a safe time amidst the chaos.

You can use combinations of the eight different elements to cast spells. You can cast spells either in a specific direction, in an area, on yourself, or imbue your weapon with magic for more powerful melee attacks. If you cast a spell in one direction, it can be anything from a spray to a beam to a giant rock, depending on the combination of elements. For example, using fire, water, or cold sprays it in a cone in front of you, while life or death turns it into a beam. However, learning the best combinations of elements can take a while. Even after you figure out a great combination, you could run into some enemies that are healed by a certain element, or are resistant to some, forcing you to think on the fly to come up with new spell combos that can kill them before they can kill you.

During the story, you travel through several different settings, including a beach, a forest, caves, snowy mountains, and ruined castles.

While the story isn’t extremely deep or complex, there is plenty of comedy in the characters and in observable objects throughout the world. The story does get its job done though, providing an endless stream of bad guys running toward you for your massacring pleasure. The story actually seems to assume you like destroying everything in your path, working it into the backstory and character dialogues. To be honest though, who doesn’t destroy something when they have the chance? That’s what 90% of video games are built on doing. Magicka 2 takes those destructive desires and impulses and lets you destroy things in a variety of ways. However, if you play it like a sane person it could be great for building teamwork, since friendly fire is always on and things tend to explode quite a bit. Not killing your teammates is often harder than taking out the enemy.