10 Reasons to Register for Journalism


Mara Amole

Journalistic Composition is open to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

  1. Get a leg up in a journalistic career:

Have you ever considered pursuing a journalistic career? Do you want to write about politics, sports, or your own opinions?  Journalistic Composition teaches the basics of writing articles and builds skills which allow you to get a headstart in the field.  If you plan on applying for journalism studies in college, or a journalism internship, this class will give you an advantage.

  1. Creative Freedom:

Tired of Spring Board? Journalism allows you to create and learn without the drudgery of worksheets and endless rules.  Writers are in total control of the direction and creation of their work, from the initial idea, to the writing of it, to its publishing.  

  1. Improve writing skills:

Students in Journalistic Composition practice different styles of writing regularly as well practice thorough peer editing, which results in a steady improvement of skills throughout the semester.  Even if you do not plan to pursue journalism as a career, strong writing skills are highly valued by colleges and employers.

  1. Get involved with the community:

Students have the chance to report on events and movements in Shoreline and beyond.  Writers of the Highland Piper inform and interact with readers, bringing attention and power to important local happenings.

  1. Meet similarly creative people:

Writers of the Highland Piper work closely together, helping one another and exchanging ideas.  You will be surrounded by students who are passionate about our community and have a drive to create using the written word and images.  

  1. Pursue your interests:

Writers get to chose their fields of reporting, whether it’s sports or politics, students are given the opportunity to write on subjects that they are passionate about.  Major and minor topics are switched every quarter, so you don’t have to choose just one area of focus.

  1. Experiment with a variety of styles:

You will learn how to write about not only news, but sports and opinion as well.  Knowing how to tailor your style to different subjects through language, structure, and voice will allow you to approach all writing more skillfully.

  1. Independence:

Apart from deadlines, your own schedule, work, and method is left up to you to decide.  Class is time is spent working on your articles and discussing ideas with other writers. Students will become adept at managing their time and upholding their responsibility to follow through on deadlines.

  1. Get your occupational credit:

A year of Journalistic Composition fulfills all of  your occupational credits. Get the experience of what it is like to work at your own desk, meet deadlines, and manage the responsibilities to follow through on deadlines.

  1. Sometimes there’s pizza:

Because who doesn’t appreciate spontaneous Domino’s during class?